Hello, Chemeketa Faculty members! I hope you are doing well and are having a restful and rejuvenating summer. These summer months in Oregon are really just so spectacular!
As I write this, I’m excited to report that our fall enrollment numbers are headed in the positive direction, with our FTE up nearly 4% compared to this point in the enrollment cycle the previous year. That’s great news for both Chemeketa and the communities we serve!
These last few years have been such a rollercoaster ride for all of us, and probably disproportionately impactful on our students. As such, I’m hopeful we come back to campus with a thoughtful eye on ways we can interact with our students that might nurture their resilience, and help encourage in them a strong sense of belonging and personal well-being.
infographic from Inside Higher Ed about ways to encourage these positive attributes in our students interesting and relevant to your preparation. Encouraging a sense of support and community with our students will likely also enhance their success and improve retention across the coming academic year.
Thanks for considering this, and I’m truly looking forward to seeing you as the new academic year begins.
The very best of the rest of the summer to you!
Michael Vargo, Ph.D.