As you prepare for fall term, we wanted to provide a few updates and resources. Please connect with your supervisor if you have any questions or concerns related to this information.
Thanks in advance for keeping the needs of our students front and center as we prepare for the new academic year.
Michael Vargo, Vice President – Academic Affairs
Bruce Clemetsen, Vice President – Student Affairs
COVID-19 Resources, Syllabus Statement and Welcome Script
There have been no substantive changes to Covid-19 protocol information shared in May. The highlights listed below still apply.
- Because Oregon OSHA still requires employers to notify employees who have had a potential work-related exposure to COVID-19, we continue to use the COVID-19 Questionnaire for reporting. The college applies the same reporting and notification standard to our students.
- To ensure that expectations are clear to students regarding COVID-19 reporting requirements, please include the COVID-19 protocol statement on your syllabus:
Students participating in in-person classes must adhere to Chemeketa’s protocols. Currently, masks are recommended, but not required to be worn indoors.
The college requires that all students and staff conduct a daily wellness assessment before coming on campus. Stay home if ill. Notify your instructor and immediately fill out the COVID-19 Questionnaire (https://forms.
- The syllabus statement, welcome script for in-person classes and links to other resources, are available on the Center for Academic Innovation Faculty Hub > Syllabus Resource page.
- If you have questions about college protocols or expectations, please contact the Manager of Emergency and Risk Management (503-403-9624 or 503-399-8635) or your Dean/Director.
Face masks are available throughout campuses and centers, and KN95 masks are available for anyone who requests them at Human Resources or at our information desks. While faculty cannot require masks be worn in their classrooms, faculty may still restrict any eating and drinking within their own classrooms. Chemeketa encourages vaccinations and booster shots, if one is physically able.
Classroom Cleaning
While facilities staff continue cleaning protocols, bottles of Waxie-730 sanitizing solution and paper towels are supplied in all classrooms for students and staff to clean, as needed. If supplies need to be replenished please submit a work order via the Facilities Help Center on Sharepoint. Here are instructions for submitting a work order: Classrooms are also provided a door sanitization card for quick identification of classrooms needing sanitation.
Food Service
Salem campus food services are available at the C-Store, which is being relocated to the previous cafeteria area in Bldg 2, the Taco Stand in Bldg 42 and Cafe 8 in Bldg 8. Advanced vending machines are located at the Salem, Brooks, and YVC campus. The advanced vending machine menus will include a variety of healthy, fresh food and fruit.
Parking Permits
Parking permits for fall term are required. Parking permits can be ordered online through My Chemeketa via the Services tab > Safety.
Facilities and Classroom Technology
Facilities and IT staff have been diligently working to ensure areas are operational for fall term. If there are any issues please submit a ticket via the Facilities or IT Help Centers located on SharePoint > Systems or via Single Sign on ( See Asset Essentials for facilities requests or Help Center for technology requests.
Digital Course Materials Fees
Just a reminder that the free digital course materials program ended spring term. The college still has the lending library for free books. Low cost books and digital eTexts are also available for sale at
Additional Student Resources
- Student Resources – provides many resources designed to help meet basic needs.
- Academic Support – provides a number of services to help you meet academic goals.