This is posted on behalf of Michael Vargo, Vice Presdient of Academic & Student Affairs

We’ve confirmed with the Executive Team and Director of Emergency and Risk Management that there are substantive revisions to the COVID-19 reporting protocols. As a result, as you prepare for spring term, we wanted to provide a quick update on the COVID-19 protocols:

  • The federal Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 is still in effect through May 11, 2023.  
  • Oregon OSHA now recommends, rather than requires, that employers notify employees who have had a potential work-related exposure to COVID-19. The college continues to apply the same reporting and notification standard to our students. 
  • The college continues to use the COVID-19 Questionnaire for reporting. However, staff and students only need to report if they have tested positive for COVID-19.

Please connect with your supervisor if you have any questions or concerns related to this information. Thanks in advance for keeping the needs of our students front and center.

COVID-19 Syllabus Statement, Welcome Script & Resources

  • To ensure that expectations are clear to students regarding COVID-19 reporting requirements, please include the COVID-19 protocol statement on your syllabus: and booster shots, if one is physically able.

Students participating in in-person classes must adhere to Chemeketa’s protocols. Currently, masks are recommended, but not required to be worn indoors. 

The college requires that all students and staff conduct a daily wellness assessment before coming on campus. Stay home if ill.  Notify your instructor and immediately fill out the COVID-19 Questionnaire if you have tested positive for COVID-19.


Face masks are still available throughout campuses and centers, and N/KN-95 masks are available for anyone who requests them at Human Resources or at our information desks. While faculty cannot require masks be worn in their classrooms, faculty may still restrict any eating and drinking within their own classrooms. Chemeketa encourages vaccinations